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Friday, Jul. 30, 2004 - 1:35 p.m.

Happy birthday to Chad!

In an effort to create an infinite loop, I am going to link back to the Driftless Pony Club weblog. Recall, dear reader, that I mentioned them in yesterday's entry. They, in turn, linked to me. Now I am reciprocating.

As predicted, my weekend is insanely busy. I think I might be constantly on the move starting at about 5:00 tonight.

Yesterday: I went out with Sarah. We tried to go mini golfing at the Walker Art Center, but they had no tee times for the rest of the day.

Yes - I used "tee times" and "Art Center" while talking about mini golf.

I am going to nose around some local colleges now. Ideally, someone will see me, and immediately offer me a professorship.

Tonight: Chad's Saints game birthday celebration.

"Now, you should listen to this, 'cause this concerns you."

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