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Saturday, Jul. 31, 2004 - 11:52 a.m.

Chad's birthday went well. The Saints won, people had a good time, and nobody got hurt. There were a bunch of cool people there, and I interacted with two people who were taller than I am. I think I might have played basketball against one of them in high school, as the random guy at the bar reminded me of Brandon Hutchinson from Tartan.

I had a difficult time with Chad's presents this year. Basically, I got him a book he already had, except that his copy was autographed by the author, and some DVDs that he used to own but sold on eBay.

There was a cool Japanese guy at the game who was hired to lead cheers. Also, he is a lawyer, owns a business, and runs marathons. I liked him.

I snooped around a couple of local colleges yesterday, but wasn't able to speak with anyone. As luck would have it, one of the math professors I was looking for at Macalester happened to be the brother of one of the guys at Chad's birthday party. Nice coincidence.

I also got to talk to Amy for quite a while at Pizza Pie and I. This is good, because I like Amy and I don't get to see her often.

I got my Guided By Voices ticket for December 30th, but I can't buy one for December 31st. It is possible that it is sold out, but it doesn't say that anywhere. I don't know what the problem is.

The person with the most aristocratic name that I have ever met is Yale Guthrie. He was a student at a community college where I was a camp counselor. He was an extremely nice guy, and would ask me questions like: "My dad is a heart surgeon. Do you think he is happy?" I had never met his dad, and barely knew Yale. I hope he is doing well now.

I was hoping to run around the lakes in Minneapolis this week, but there is just no time. Also, I was hoping to play golf with my grandparents, but that's not going to happen. At least I'll get to see them at brunch tomorrow.

Today: Tamra and Kelly, and possibly many others. Too busy.

"Take care of your hermit crab!"

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