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Wednesday, Jul. 28, 2004 - 8:46 a.m.

Greetings from St. Paul!

Well, I spent another four+ hours on the computer yesterday, working on math. I now have a good idea about how to proceed, so I think it was worth it.

My drive to Minnesota featured entertainment by the Afghan Whigs and Loveline. Robert Pollard and Throwing Muses were the supporting bands.

So I got a late start on the road because I got sucked into Last Comic Standing again. Get this - it was a three way comedy face-off at the end. I liked two of the people, and disliked the other. Guess which one of them got booted? The one I didn't like. Sometimes things work out.

Today I am having lunch with Angie on campus. I'll probably wander a little bit and relive my undergrad days, and then I will settle down and get some work done.

Tonight - I hope to get in touch with Karl. However, he hasn't called me back, so I am not holding my breath.

My parents are re-doing their kitchen; it looks much better than before.

"It's like having nineteen dollars in your checking account and staring at your ATM card."

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