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Tuesday, Jul. 27, 2004 - 9:56 a.m.

The big news from yesterday is that one of my friends - possibly a Dirtyghost reader - recently proposed to her boyfriend! Congratulations to that friend!

I have 1,248,112 things to do today - literally. I ran computer programs for a good part of the day yesterday, and I just need to finish checking some stuff - 1,248,112 things. It was nice, though, because I had 5 computers working for me, all being controlled by me from my laptop while I was sitting on my couch. I felt like a big man.

That was the bulk of my day. I also shot baskets with Steve. I was awful. I don't want to talk about it.

I thankfully got to see Chris and Danielle one last time before they left for Los Angeles. They came over for a half an hour to drop off their car. I am keeping it at my place, since Chris is coming back to pack up his stuff in a couple of weeks.

Chris got me a CD by Television. They are a band from the '70s, but I am not too familiar with them. The Strokes kind of sound like them.

I just lost Ultra10! That's one of the computers I was using. It just disappeared - I don't know what happened!

I sort-of had plans last night, which I guess means I sort-of got stood up. I'll carry on, though.

I am most likely coming to the Twin Cities today. I am having lunch with Angie tomorrow, so it has to be today or early tomorrow. Since I prefer driving at night in the summers and don't trust myself to wake up early, I'll probably be home tonight.

Sorry - I am a bit distracted while writing this, so I haven't been putting much thought into it. Keeping all of the computers working is kind of like keeping several balls in the air while juggling. On the plus side, I have checked 28,877 things so far!

"And those committed to society's circles: unwary cogs with no cadence or virtue."

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