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Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2005 - 7:44 p.m.

Someone Googled "dirtyghost blog" today. They were clearly looking for me, and I am flattered.

Isn't that creepy that I know that, though? Isn't it more creepy that I think the person who did that is related to me?

I watched Miracle last night. I liked it, although Kurt Russell played Herb Brooks with an accent that was more Chicago than Minnesotan.

Quote from Newsweek: "Foie gras has been around for thousands of years. If we've been doing something for so long, it can't be so bad." - Jacques Pepin, author, teacher

I'm going to respond to Mr. Pepin here, since this is my webl and I have no other means to reply to him. Here I go: "Like war, murder, rape, and torture?"

Let's imagine Jacques backpedalling now. That was sweet.

Here is an article about American Idol. I'm not so concerned about Paula Abdul (although I still think "Straight Up" is a fine song), but rather the picture: Ryan Seacrest has a Hollywood square. Their vetting process needs to be reexamined.

Although I consider myself to be Christian (in spite of what recent internet tests might lead us to believe), this freaks me out. Why is this? Probably because I think the Christians who try to get this type of stuff passed are an unreasonable bunch.

I'm baking cookies right now. I'll bake some bars later. If I have time, I'll make some corn flake bars, too.

"Jello is for winners."

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