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Monday, Apr. 24, 2006 - 8:52 p.m.

Happy birthday to Amy!

I had a fantastic weekend. It had a great mix of going out (Robert Pollard on Friday, Jillian's on Saturday), and doing nothing (the rest of the weekend).

Bob can still bring it. He only played three songs that I knew during the main body of the show ("Mute Superstar," "Choking Tara," and "Maggie Turns to Flies"), but the encore was exclusively songs that I knew.

It was really weird to see Pollard playing with non-GBV people. It really confused me, since...well, since GBV was such a...thing. Maybe I should edit that last sentence.

Things are going well, and the semester is almost done. I have two weeks left of class, one and a half weeks of "reading period," and then the final. Then, I am on summer vacation.

During that time, though, I will have trips to Austin and Columbus, both for business.

Some people's weblogs are really intriguing me. I will be calling some of you to inquire.

"The Aristocrats."

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